SQ21: Singapore Queers in the 21st Century
  • by Ng Yi-Sheng, published by Oogachaga, available from all major bookstores in Singapore and Fridae.com
  • Monday, August 21, 2006

    Press Coverage!

    Woot! On 20 August, SQ21 got featured by Kristina Tom in the Sunday Times and by Sylvia Tan in a Fridae.com article . Together with a very small image of the cover:

    Now someone explain to me how to upload that so it always appears on the top of the screen.

    One cool thing is that Sylvia asked two of the interviewees some smart questions about their perspectives on gay issues - plus a few personal questions that didn't make it into the stories:

    æ: Who was the first person you told and how long did it take since you first realised?

    Sheila: I told my best friend and my cousins (I come from a close knit family) and they all embraced me and accepted me readily. I told my parents before I left for overseas and they came to their understanding in the years I was away.

    Nicholas: There really wasn't a person because the first time I came out was attending the support group's outing. I think the first person I actually said the actual words to would be to my good friend of more then 10 years who happened to be in the group as well. It's so funny because we have been friends since we were young but when we discovered we were both gay it was as if we had to start all over again and the last ten years was thrown out of the window or something.

    Sheila and Nicholas will both be on the panel at Mox Bar for the book launch. Seeya there.


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